prestahop tvorba eshopov

Hair cosmetics eshop

Developed on Prestashop platform

eshop na mieru

Project overview

Henna na vlasy online store offers natural hair cosmetics made in Slovakia from ingredients from India. Like most of our projects, it contains several non-standard tweaks and modifications. One of them is the client’s requirement for the look of the store itself, which he requested because of the non-standard logo that the client asked to be placed in the central position of the website. In addition, the eshop also has features for rating individual products by customers who have purchased them and other tweaks that were incorporated at the client’s request.

Other special features

In addition to the above-mentioned ideas for graphics and some marketing features, the purchasing process has also undergone a radical change. We have replaced the classic checkout process with a one-page checkout, for the friendliest shopping experience possible.

The non-standard graphic requirements didn’t end with the desktop version only, the mobile version of the e-shop has also undergone significant changes. We added multiple sliders and many other tweaks based on client’s wishes.

tvorba eshopu prestashop

Thumbnails Henna na vlasy


Grafický návrh eshopu
Webdesign pre eshop
Nákupný proces na mieru


Mobilná verzia eshopu
Naákupný košík na mieru
Tvorba eshopu pre mobil
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